Home / News / New Sales Rep in the Southern District! 28 August, 2024

New Sales Rep in the Southern District!

With extensive experience in sales across various roles and industries, Joakim Byström joins Träullit as a sales rep responsible for the southern district. We asked him a few questions.

Who are you?
My name is Joakim Byström, and I live in Lidköping with my partner and our 5-year-old daughter. In my free time, I enjoy working out, playing sports, and spending time at our family’s lodge in Lofsdalen in the Swedish mountains.

What brought you to Träullit?
I got in contact with Träullit through a former colleague. When I was introduced to the company and its products, I felt that they had an exciting product portfolio that was perfectly aligned with environmental sustainability. Additionally, it’s a well-established family business with dedicated employees, shorter decision-making processes, and a clear vision — something I also found very appealing.

What experiences do you bring to Träullit?
I have worked in sales, in various roles and companies, for nearly my entire professional life. I am passionate about establishing new connections, and thus I believe that together with both existing and new customers, I will help create long-term business relationships beneficial for both parties.

We warmly welcome Joakim to Träullit and look forward to an exciting future together!

Contact Joakim:
Phone: (+46) 70-223 41 78
Email: joakim@traullit.se